Thursday, January 24, 2013


"Most of our values and attitudes develop during childhood." I agree with this statement for many reasons.  It is either you have a good, hearty and strong foundation as a child or you have a weak, unkept one that lacks structural support. To me this mostly applies to manners and education. Have you ever had someone ask you or someone you know if they have home training? Well this is where the attitudes and values come in. If your parents teach you to no talk unless spoken to when conversing with an adult ,to  listen to and obey people who are older than, treat others the way you want to be treated, other things like that I believe it is easier for you to gain the concept. The reason being you are still developing and learning about the world around you. It is similar to teaching a kid basketball, it takes time to learn and perfect something, but if you start something like basketball at a young age it gives time to understand and comprehend the sport so when it comes time actually use your skill you have already mastered it. Also this  applies to me through personal experiences. I have been raised in a family that has high expectations and have only been to private schools and charters schools where the curriculum is very challenging. I am now used to an academically challenging environment and it is what helps me focus and get my work done right. Now if I were to go to a less challenging school then my foundation would crumble because I am so used to an academically challenging environment because that is how I was raised. The attitudes and values that we develop during childhood pretty much determine our future and who we are.

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